'@Purpose : To perform basic validation on fields that is to check wether they are empty or not
'@Author : Karthikeyan A
'@Return : Boolean
'@Logic : Parameter "manadatoryFields" must contain field labels and field names seperated by "~" and each pair inturn must be seperated by "$#$"
Function performBasicValidation(mandatoryFields As String,uidoc As NotesUIDocument) As Boolean
'mark the flow of control moving into the current function
'declare all variables and functions necessary for further manipulation
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim fields As Variant
Dim currentField As String
'handle errors in case of abrupt termination
On Error Goto basicValidationErrHandler
'process the provided list of mandatory fields and values to check if they have some value or not
Forall vall In fields
If Not currentField="" Then
If Trim(Replace(Replace(uidoc.FieldGetText(currentField),Chr(10),""),Chr(13),""))="" Then
Call uidoc.GotoField(currentField)
Msgbox "Please provide the" &Cstr(Strleft(vall,"~")) & Chr(13) & "Note: All fields marked with * are Mandatory",,"Information required"
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Forall
'mark the flow of control moving out of the current function
Exit Function
'log the errors that resulted in abrupt termination
Msgbox "An error occured while attempting to validate the document ",,"Validation failed"
Print "Error : " & Error & " occured on line " & Cstr(Erl) & " with error number " & Cstr(Err) & " in basic validation while processing field ***" & currentField & "***"
Exit Function
End Function
In order to use the "performBasicValidation" function, Consider the following as a Sample
ReplyDeleteSub Querysave(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
Dim x As String
x = "test~lstIndustry$#$"
Call performBasicValidation(x,Source)
End Sub
Hope this is useful.