
Friday, December 16, 2011

Error Starting Tomcat Server in eclipse : HTTP Status 404 error - "/" not found


I was facing this error for some good reason I never understood until I went through the following url.

The issue is that my server wont simply start with the error mentioned in the title.
Now I am glad that I got it to work some how. All that I did was follow the following tips provided in the above mentioned url
>On Server tab 
>Select Tomcat Server (the one you are trying to start) 
> Right Click - Select Open 
> Go to section Server Location 
>Selct Radio button for Use Tomcat Installation 
>Set Server Path to //:the_tomcat_home_location 
>Set Deploy Path to //:the_tomcat_home_location 
All that I did was change the details mentioned in the highlighted section in the following screen shot of the apache server configuration page

Hope this helps some one J